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12 и вот вам знак: вы найдете Младенца в пеленах, лежащего в яслях.
13 И внезапно явилось с Ангелом многочисленное воинство небесное, славящее Бога и взывающее:
14 слава в вышних Богу, и на земле мир, в человеках благоволение!
15 Когда Ангелы отошли от них на небо, пастухи сказали друг другу: пойдем в Вифлеем и посмотрим, что там случилось, о чем возвестил нам Господь.
16 И, поспешив, пришли и нашли Марию и Иосифа, и Младенца, лежащего в яслях. ;

От Луки гл.2 ст.12-16

Salva nos, Domine!


Собственная информация:

Партия Republican Sinn Fein (Прим.Crow: политическле крыло CIRA ) в своём пресс релизе заявила, что будет всячески противодействовать намеченному визиту "Королевы Англии" (Прим.Crow: sic!) на территорию 26 округов (Прим.Crow: 20 округов Республики Ирландия + 6 округов Северной Ирландии) , который, по мнению партии является "продолжением кампании нормализации Английского правления в Ирландии".


Собственная информация:

Английский текст новогоднего заявления CIRA

"Уglaigh na hЙireann ( Прим.Crow: "Армия Ирландии" (гэльск.)) New Years Statement 2008.

The leadership of glaigh na hireann send new years greetings to all our friends and supporters both nationally and internationally. We also extend special greetings to our volunteers who have remained faithful to their oath and to their constitution, and to all POW's who have stood resolute in the face of the on-going criminalisation process in Maghaberry and Free State internment in Portlaoise. Our thoughts are with you and your families at this time, you remain an inspiration to the republican base.

Once again the constitutional nationalist and establishment parties are attempting to sell the lie that the RUC/PSNI are a civic police force, the IRA stand by our assertion, and this has been borne out by recent events, that the RUC/PSNI are primarily a political police force whose primary function is to protect British interests in Ireland. It is for this reason that the IRA have carried out a number of attacks against the British police in Ireland, these attacks will continue.

glaigh na hireann advise political and community leaders to desist from the practice of assisting, and urging others to assist the RUC/PSNI, those who do so are clearly making the choice to align themselves with the enemy. The repercussions of assisting the enemy are clear and those who do so bear full responsibility for any action that may be taken against them.

The last year has seen a marked increase in the activities of MI5 inspired counter gangs masquerading as republicans, these gangs will be seen for what they are by the republican base and their attempts to bring the republican movement into disrepute will not be tolerated. Such counter gangs exist to sow discord and confusion within republicanism. It is also clear that such groups are behind an incre ase in sectarian attacks across the six counties, sectarianism is anathema to republicanism and serves the interests of British imperialism in Ireland, not the republican position.

glaigh na hireann exist to defend the republic and we reject all British attempts to implement the long held policy of Ulsterisation, criminalisation and Normalisation. The Irish Republican Army will continue to carry out armed attacks against the British military and political apparatus in Ireland and those who assist in anyway their illegal occupation


По сообщению ВВС:

Королевский суд Белфаста сегодня приговорил к двум годам тюремного заключения Martin Overend, 37 лет, обвинявшегося в шатнтаже, незаконном владении оружием и взрывчаткой, а также "информацией, которая может быть полезна для террористов". В доме осуждённого был обнаружен автомат АК47, два пистолета,несколько детонаторов, оружейный порох и патроны. В его ноутбуке содержалась информация о шести офицерах полиции и одном военнослужащем. Источник утверждает, что данный судебный процесс является результатом полицейской операции направленной против CIRA .


По сообщению Independent.ie:

По сообщению источника сегодня в Вильнюсе (Литва) в ходе совместной операции Интерпола, Gardai (прим.Crow: полицейская служба Республики Ирландия) и местной полиции был арестован Michael Campbell(35 лет, из г. Dundalk, округ Louth, Северная Ирландия). По сообщению источника Campbell был арестован во время ведения переговоров о приобретении партии оружия с полицейским агентом, который выдавал себя за международного торговца.Michael Campbell - родной брат Liam Campbell, лидера небольшой группировки (около 20 участников), некоторое время назад отколовшейся от RIRA , возглавляемой Michael McKevitt, в настоящее время отбывающим длительный срок заключения в тюрьме Portlaoise.

30.01.08 36-я годовщина "Кровавого Воскресенья".


Собственная информация:

Mickey Gallagher, представитель 32 County Sovereignty Movement ( Прим.Crow: политическое крыло RIRA ) в своём сегодняшнем выступлении после сессии местного органа исполнительной власти в Derry заявил что движение не допустит "криминализации" (Прим.Crow: этот термин применяется к политике властей Великобритании, состоящей в том, что любая вооружённая борьба за воссоединение территории Северной Ирландии и Республики Ирландия по статусу приравнивается к обычному уголовному преступлению) борьбы Республиканцев.


По сообщению Derry Journal:

Gary Donnelly, ключевая фигура в 32 County Sovereignty Movement ( Прим.Crow: политическое крыло RIRA ) сегодня публичнот( в интервью одному из печатных СМИ ) заявил о своей поддержке вооружённого сопротивления Британскому правлению в Ирланддии, поскольку такое сопротивление, по его мнению, является легитимным. Также мистер Donnelly заявил, что RIRA и CIRA должны объединится для совместной вооружённой борьбы. Это заявление последовало после того, как во время публичных дебатов в понедельник представитель партии Sinn Fein был вынужден признать, что Соглашение Доброй Пятницы (Прим.Crow: соглашение, предусматривающее в частности прекращение вооружённой борьбы со стороны (P)IRA и формирование местных органов самоуправления Северной Ирландии ) нарушает принципы национального суверенитета Ирландии.


Собственная информация:

Английский текст первого за последние пять лет интервью с представителями RIRA , поданный для публикации в ближайшем номере газеты Sunday Tribune. В конце журналист кратко рассказывает о подготовке и обстановке встречи.

What are the Real IRA's objectives?

Our goal is the same as the IRA's has always been . . . to force a British withdrawal.
We're no different than the men and women of 1916, 1919, or 1969. Past generations of republicans are always used to condemn the present generation. There's a long tradition of comparing the 'good old IRA' with the 'bad new IRA'. It's nonsense. We follow in the tradition of Pearse and Connolly.

Who are the Real IRA's targets?

Those who promote and protect the illegal occupation of the six counties . . . British soldiers, RUC/PSNI members, and British government ministers. A pragmatic approach has always been taken to prison officers depending on conditions in the jails.

Does that mean members of the Stormont executive, including Martin McGuinness and other Sinn Fein politicians, are viewed as British ministers and thus legitimate targets in Real IRA eyes?

Those running the Stormont administration are as much British ministers as those sitting in Downing Street. However, targets aren't chosen always on legitimacy but on whether hitting them would be politically expedient or counter-productive and on the likely effect on public support.
The IRA never attacked the British army in Scotland because of its support base there and what was seen as solidarity with a fellow Celtic nation. But the decision on whether to actually hit a legitimate target is one that is kept under review.
Since its formation, the Real IRA has been unable to kill a single British soldier or police officer. From its own perspective, that must represent complete failure.

What are its future plans?

We're emerging from a threeyear period of reorganising in preparation for a renewed offensive. Success shouldn't be judged solely on body count so far. If there was minimal visible military activity in recent years, there was plenty of behind-the-scenes restructuring. Important groundwork has now been completed. In November, the IRA carried out operations within days in three separate locations, attempting to kill RUC/PSNI officers in Derry and Dungannon, and planting a bomb on Remembrance Sunday in Newry.
That shows increased confidence. The IRA believed it could kill a cop and take whatever the state threw at it. The Derry RUC/PSNI target survived because the metal headrest of his car seat took most of the shotgun blasts. The British are worried. There was talk of a 'new style' unarmed RUC/ PSNI in non-combative clothing. Well they're back wearing flak jackets and still carrying guns. Strand Road barracks in Derry is being refortified to make it rocketproof.
With more attacks on the RUC/PSNI we believe the stage will be reached where British soldiers are brought back onto the streets to bolster the cops. This will shatter the facade that the British presence has gone and normality reigns. People will once again be made visibly aware that we remain occupied.
In terms of other internal changes, people have been dismissed from the movement in Belfast and elsewhere. Units that weren't up to scratch have been disbanded. Mistakes were made previously but more rigorous vetting of volunteers is now in place.

The Real IRA hasn't carried out attacks in Britain for six years. Has it any plans to do so?

We will attack Britain where and when we see fit. The law of averages suggests the longer a target hasn't been hit, then the more likely it is to be attacked.

Have the attacks on the US in 2001 and subsequent acts not transformed terrorism and made Real IRA activities like leaving bombs on railway lines and incendiaries in shops look low-level and amateurish?

In the context of 800 years of struggle against the British, 9/11 is irrelevant. Don't ridicule planting incendiaries in shops.
They cause millions of pounds worth of damage, present little risk to civilians and volunteers, and cost the movement minimal expense. A few incendiaries can have the same impact as a 500lb bomb without the risks. Incendiaries will not be the main thrust of our campaign, but they will play a part.

After the appalling loss of life in the Omagh bomb, the Real IRA called a ceasefire but later resumed attacks. Doesn't that show utter disrespect for human life and contempt for public sentiment?

The IRA had minimal involvement in Omagh. Our code word was used, nothing more.
To have stated this at the time would have been lost in an understandable wave of emotion. That is the only detail on Omagh we're prepared to give at the moment. Omagh was an absolute tragedy. Any loss of civilian life is regrettable. No one in any army, except perhaps those in the American or Israeli forces, wants to kill civilians. But wars don't end because civilians die in them.

How can the Real IRA possibly succeed in securing a British withdrawal when the larger and more powerful Provisional IRA failed?

The Provisional IRA didn't fail as an organisation, it was failed by its leadership. It had ample weaponry and members. It could have been much stronger militarily. The decline in operations was due to its leadership. Winning elections became more important than winning the war. We are not unthinking militarists. Politics is important and there are those who share our political analysis [apparent reference to 32 County Sovereignty Movement], but we aren't answerable to any political party and that's a strength, not a weakness.

How can the Real IRA justify a campaign with no electoral mandate?

Oglaigh na hEireann derives its mandate from the illegal occupation of Ireland and the right of Irish people to take up arms in defence of national sovereignty. Only during their latter years did the Provos receive an electoral mandate.
And 1916 and 1969 had no electoral mandate.

What weapons does the Real IRA have?

Hand-guns, rifles, submachine guns, assault rifles, plastic explosives and our own improvised weapons. We have added to our arsenal since 1997 and are always seeking new ways of re-arming. Of course, the acquisition of weapons is a problem but it's one which the IRA has overcome and will continue to overcome.

Did loyalist drug dealers transport an arms haul for the Real IRA, as stated in a recent newspaper report?

Absolutely not. This allegation is part of an ongoing criminalisation campaign against us. We believe MI5 is the original source of the story. We've no links with the Shoukri brothers, whom we find morally repugnant. It's ludicrous to suggest that, unable to transport weapons safely ourselves, we turn to known British agents.

Given the huge technological advances in British surveillance, how can any republican campaign be 'successful'?

We've no illusions about these advances which we have learned, and are still learning, to overcome. Historically, the British have enjoyed more sophisticated equipment than republicans and we're still here. We don't underestimate the British . . . indeed we tend to overestimate their capabilities.

How many members does the Real IRA have? What is their gender, geographical and age profile?

We have enough volunteers to carry out the army's functions. We're currently recruiting across Ireland. I can't be more specific for security reasons. Women volunteers play a full and active role. Oglaigh na hEireann is open to over17s. We have a balance between youth and experience. Many volunteers were active [in the Provisional IRA] and new volunteers are being trained up.

Why would a young person join the Real IRA when it offers only jail or the grave?

For the same reasons as they've always joined the IRA . . . to challenge British sovereignty in Ireland. On joining, they're made aware of the possibilities of jail or the grave. If they're still interested, they're put through a rigorous training period. If after this they're at all unsure, they can walk away. The IRA is a volunteer army. Life in the North has improved hugely for Catholics. No grave socio-economic injustices exist that could possibly justify an armed campaign.

Why continue?

The IRA campaign was never about reformism or civil rights, it was about resisting foreign occupation. The IRA is committed to fighting for the freedom of our country, not just improving the social and economic lot of an occupied people. It's not a case of 'Brits out' if people are poor, then 'Brits in' if there are loads of jobs. FBI/MI5 agent Dave Rupert infiltrated the Real IRA, leading to the conviction of its then leader, Mickey McKevitt.

Hasn't the Real IRA huge infiltration problems?

Dave Rupert was a paid perjurer and proven liar. He faces execution from the IRA as does anyone else who places her or himself in that position. We've been no more infiltrated than any other republican organisation. If internal rules and regulations are implemented, these problems are less likely to recur. The Provos have had Freddie Scapatticci and Denis Donaldson and we're only at the tip of the iceberg in establishing how far they were infiltrated.

Paddy Murray, a republican widely associated with the Real IRA, has recently faced substantial allegations that he is a British agent? What is your position on him?

No comment.

How is the Real IRA funded and how does it compare financially to the Provisional IRA?

As an organisation we continue to seek funds. It would be inappropriate to give further details. Towards the end, the Provisional movement became more interested in monetary gain than challenging British rule. This led to a situation where corporate America had more influence over the republican movement than IRA volunteers. We don't wish to go down that route. You can't appeal to millionaires and multinationals and remain engaged in revolutionary activity. He who pays the piper calls the tune.

Former Real IRA leaders in Portlaoise prison accused the external leadership of criminality and lining its own pockets. Were they right?

These allegations were fully investigated and found to be without foundation. They were a red herring to facilitate someone else's agenda. Our volunteers on the outside paid no heed to them which is why there was a split in the jail but the movement outside remained 100% intact.

Does the Real IRA plan to unite with the Continuity IRA and INLA?

The IRA will work with the Continuity IRA and INLA on issues where there is common ground. But there are no organisational links and there will be no joint operations. We are not seeking to amalgamate three armies into a 'super republican group'.

What is the Real IRA's relationship with the Provisional IRA?

We're not under threat from them as we were in the past, with activists being abducted, beaten and threatened with death. We have never attacked the Provisional IRA despite attacks on us and volunteer Joe O'Connor's murder.

Has the current Real IRA leadership held direct or indirect talks with the British or Irish governments and does it have channels of communication with either?

We haven't engaged in any talks and there are no such channels. We're certainly not talking to them through Bradley, Duddy or any Redemptorist priests. [Denis Bradley and Brendan Duddy from Derry were go-betweens for the Provisionals and MI6;

west Belfast priests have acted as mediators with Dublin. ] Under what conditions would the Real IRA call a ceasefire?

A declaration of intent by the British to withdraw their military presence from Ireland and to cease all parliamentary activity here.

Real IRA's second interview marked by extreme security I WAS taken to a secret location near the border where I met two representatives of the Real IRA army council.
Only one spoke during the interview.
I have interviewed all the major paramilitary groups during the conflict and never before have such extreme security measures been taken. I was ordered to leave my coat, handbag and mobile phone at another location.
The Real IRA representative wore dark civilian clothing and a balaclava with holes for his eyes throughout the three-hour interview. He was well-spoken and courteous, even when complaining about the nature of some of the questions.
He wasn't nervous but he was ultra-cautious in some of his replies. This was the Real IRA's first media interview in five years.
The paramilitary group gave the Sunday Tribune photographs and a DVD of six members involved in a training exercise along the border. A British army watchtower can be seen in the background. The men are armed with AK47s, AKMs, a machine pistol with a silencer, a Dragunov and a hand-gun.


По сообщению Derry Journal:

По информации источника на эти выходные намечена встреча представителей CIRA , RIRA , INLA с участием некоторого количества "расставшихся с иллюзиями" членов (P)IRA , целью которой, по сведениям источника, является "выработка новой тактики вооружённой борьбы".


Умер Brendan Hughes, один из лидеров (P)IRA и участник голодовок протеста в тюрьме Лонг Кэш в начале 80-х.

Brendan Hughes: IRA leader and hunger striker

But while Adams and others went on to re-fashion, gradually but radically, the IRA and Sinn Fein into the grouping which today shares power at Stormont, Hughes was left stranded in traditional republicanism. Even after he came to feel betrayed by the evolution of modern republicanism, he remained nostalgically attached to the spirit of the most intense days of the IRA's "armed struggle".

A classic photograph from the 1970s shows him grinning arm-in-arm with Adams inside Long Kesh (which later became the Maze prison). Many disillusioned years later the picture still hung in Hughes's tiny flat in west Belfast: "The reason I keep that there is it reminds me what it used to be like," he explained. "I loved Gerry. I don't anymore, but I keep the photos to remind me of the good times."

A small swarthy man nicknamed "the Dark", Brendan Hughes was born in Belfast in 1948 into a republican family in the Falls Road, joining the IRA on the outbreak of the troubles in 1969. Hughes related to the BBC journalist Peter Taylor, who interviewed him extensively, that when the British Army first came in he chatted to soldiers. "Some of them were 16, 17 years of age," he recalled. "I remember sitting talking to them, sometimes to two, three o'clock in the morning."

But as the situation rapidly deteriorated Hughes joined the IRA. He excelled in the street-fighting which took many British military lives, his unit carrying out five or six attacks in a day. He was also involved in the arms-smuggling which gave the IRA an edge in many encounters with troops, helping to bring in the light but deadly Armalite rifles from America.

By 1973, high on the Army's most-wanted list, Hughes was captured along with Gerry Adams at a Falls Road house. The two men said they were beaten up by troops, Adams writing that they were "barely able to walk upright and very badly marked, black and blue all over our bodies." They were interned at Long Kesh. Six months later Hughes escaped in a rolled-up mattress in a rubbish lorry: "The mattress was full of sawdust and he nearly choked," Adams was to recall.

He escaped to across the border to Dublin, where he assumed a new identity, Arthur McAllister, and returned to Belfast 10 days later, pretending to be a toy salesman. Back on the streets, he rose through the ranks to become the IRA's Belfast commander, hiding out in a flat in the plush Malone area. When he was re-arrested he and Adams shared a cubicle in Long Kesh's Cage 11, known as "the generals' cage".

There they developed plans for an overhaul of a movement which seemed in danger of defeat. Hughes was to spend more than a decade in prison, but far from being removed from combat he and others opened up a second front there. In October 1980, as IRA commander within the jail, he went on hunger strike with six other men. It lasted 53 days, but as one of the strikers approached death Hughes called it off, an act which saved one life but which led to a further hunger strike the following spring under Bobby Sands, in which 10 republicans starved themselves to death.

Hughes's lengthy fast left him with a variety of heart and vision problems and arthritis. But the mental scars were even deeper. Released from prison six years later, he sought counselling for post-traumatic stress, saying: "The hunger strikers' faces are always before me." He later said: "Sometimes I've sat here crying for a week. During one period I was almost at the point of jumping off a bridge."

Gerry Adams, who described Hughes as "a good-hearted generous comrade, quick-tempered but immensely kind," yesterday commented: "He never fully recovered from the hunger strike." He added: "Although he disagreed with the direction taken in recent years, he was held in high esteem by all who knew him."

The theme of Brendan Hughes's life was one of loss. There was much loss of life in his IRA career, both of British soldiers and of fellow IRA members, especially those who died on hunger strike. There was his own loss of liberty and the loss of his wife who, with his consent, formed another relationship in his absence.

There was also the loss of his relationship with Adams, which meant a lot to him but finally ended in disenchantment. Hughes did not advocate a return to "armed struggle" but he was against the peace process, and could not square it with the old simplicity of pounding away at the British. He is certainly not the only person in Ireland to grapple with the huge question of what the troubles meant. As he put it: "I keep wondering what was it all about?"

David McKittrick


По сообщению UTV:

В Западном Белфасте, Северная Ирландия, запланировано ряд мемориальных мероприятий в связи с 20й годовщиной гибели Гибралтарской тройки (Прим.Crow: Три добровольца IRA Mairead Farrell, Sean Savage и Dan McCann, безоружными застреленные агентами Британской спецслужбы SAS 6 марта 1988 в Гибралтаре(см. раздел "Акции Британцев" и "Граффити")), Kevin McCracken (Прим.Crow: Доброволец IRA застреленный солдатом Британской армии в Turf Lodge 14 марта 1988 года) и Мучеников Милтауна (Прим.Crow: один доброволец IRA Пaoimhin MacBradaigh , двое гражданских John Murray и Thomas McErlean застреленные лоялистом Michael Stone, открывшим стрельбу из автоматического оружия 16 марта 1088 года на кладбище Милтаун во время похорон Гибралтарской тройки).


По сообщению The Irish Independent:

Британская полиция проигнорировала требование сочувствующих жертвам бобардировки Omagh ((Прим.Crow: 15.08.1998. Северный Белфаст. Самое большое количество жертв в одном инциденте за всю историю Конфликта. Осуществдление приписывается RIRA ) обеспечить прекращение хостинга базирующегося в Канаде сайта, поддреживающего RIRA.


По сообщению ВВС:

Семь человек арестованы в г.Корк (Республика Ирландия) полицейской службой Gardai. Представитель службы заявил что аресты и последующие обыски являются частью масщтабной операции по пресечению деятельности т.н. "диссидентских" Республиканских группировок (Прим.Crow: обычно этим термином в Британской прессе обозначют RIRA и CIRA ). Аррестованные могут содержаться 72 часа без предъявления обвинения, согласно параграфу 30 Акта о противодействии антигосударственной деятельности, действующему на территории Республики.


Прах Brendan Hughes (см. сообщение от 14.02) сегодня развеян над Западным Белфастом и в горах Cooley, округ Louth. Не смотря на критику, которой покойный мр.Hughes неоднократно высказывал в адрес Sinn Fein, президент партии Джери Адамс отдал ему надлежащие почести и был одним из тех, кто нёс гроб покойного во время похорон.

Сегодня, чтим память святого Патрика, принесшего свет Веры в Спасителя на прекрасный Зелёный Остров... Молимся о заступничестве святого Патрика за всех нас и за прекрасную страну,истерзаннную столетиями кровавого Конфликта. Вспомним Героев ушедших, и да сияет им Вечный Свет!


14.Если Христос не воскрес, то и проповедь наша тщетна, тщетна и вера ваша.
15.Притом мы оказались бы и лжесвидетелями о Боге, потому что свидетельствовали бы о Боге, что Он воскресил Христа, Которого Он не воскрешал, если, то есть, мертвые не воскресают;
16.ибо если мертвые не воскресают, то и Христос не воскрес.
17.А если Христос не воскрес, то вера ваша тщетна: вы еще во грехах ваших.
18.Поэтому и умершие во Христе погибли.
19.И если мы в этой только жизни надеемся на Христа, то мы несчастнее всех человеков.
20.Но Христос воскрес из мертвых, первенец из умерших.
21.Ибо, как смерть через человека, так через человека и воскресение мертвых.
22.Как в Адаме все умирают, так во Христе все оживут.

1 Кор гл.15, ст.14 – 22

Salva nos, Domine Сhristi!


По сообщению Derry Journal:

По сообщению специально созданной мониторинговой коммиссии, т.н. "диссидентские" Республиканские группировки (Прим.Crow: обычно этим термином в Британской прессе обозначют RIRA и CIRA ) всё ещё активны в Северо-Западной части острова и остаются "опасными". Также в сообщении отмечается, что активность продолжает проявлять и INLA.


Собственная информация:

День памяти Jim Power, офицера INLA, убитого в этот день в 1981 году во время подготовки военной акции против британских солдат.
Jim Power родился 25 марта 1960 года, в возрасте 11 лет присоединился к молодёжному крылу "официальной" IRA , а в 1975 году- к INLA
Его брат Thomas, также офицер INLA, был убит в 1987 году участниками Irish People's Liberation Organisation [Прим.Crow: подробнее- см. в статье об INLA].
Margaret,мать Jim Power и Thomas Power известна записью песни "Joe McCann", посвящённой активисту "официальной" IRA, который был убит Британцами в 1972 году.

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По сообщению The Irish News:

RIRA заявила о принятиии на себя ответственности за попытку убийства полицейского в Spamount, округ Tyrone, Северная Ирландия в прошлый понедельник. Сотрудник PSNI (Прим.Crow "Полицейская служба Северной Ирландии", ранее - "RUC" ("Королевские констебли Ольстера")), находившийся не при исполнении служебных обязанностей получил серьёзные ранения обеих ног, когда в его автомобиле взорвалось самодельное взрывное устройство.RIRA также заявила о принятии на себя ответственности за атаки с применением огнестрельного оружия двух сотрудников полиции находившихся не при исполнении служебных обязанностей в Dungannon и Derry, которые произошли в прошлом ноябре.
В связи с инцидентом в понедельник аресту подвергнуты четыре человека из округа Derry
Региональный представитель партии Sinn Fein заявил, что предшествовашие арестам полицейские рейды были проведены очень грубо. В частности было заявлено, что в ходе рейдов травмы получили беременная женщина и девушка-подросток. Представитель партии заявил, что "вне зависимости от причин рейдов, таким действиям не может быть никакого оправдания".


По сообщению RTÉ:

Организация, представляющая жертв бомбардировок Dublin и Monaghan (Прим.Crow 17 мая 1974 года. Взрыв двух начинённых взрывчаткой автомобилей без предварительного предупреждения. 34 погибших. Самое большое количество жертв одного дня за всю историю Конфликта) в 34 годовщину событий призвала расследовать данные о причастности спецслужб Великобритании к данным событиям. Обвинение в причастности к взрывам так и небыло предъявлено никому, однако Oireachtas Committee on Justice описывает данный инцидент как акт международного терроризма ( прим.Crow Взрывы произошли на территории Республики Ирландия), осуществлённый Британскими спецслужбами.


По сообщению The Irish News:

Сержант Gerard McGrath вчера был вызван в суд по делу гражданского обвинения. Ему предъявлен иск в связи с предполагаемым подлогом улик по делу бобардировки Omagh (Прим.Crow: 15.08.1998. Северный Белфаст. Самое большое количество жертв в одном инциденте за всю историю Конфликта. Осуществление приписывается RIRA ). Единственным осуждённым в связи с указанным инцидентом был Colm Murphy, которому в 2002 году было предъявлено обвинение в содействии в организации указанной бомбардировки. Позже осуждение отменено. Сержант Gerard McGrath на слушаниях заявил что не в состоянии припомнить детали расследования шестилетней давности в связи с которым ему предъявлен иск.


По сообщению Belfast Telegraph:

Т.н. "диссидентские" Республиканские группировки (Прим.Crow: обычно этим термином в Британской прессе обозначют RIRA и CIRA ) по сообщению источника пытаются свести на нет договорённости между жителями Garvaghy Road (г.Armagh, Северная Ирландия) и Братством Оранжистов (Прим.Crow: лоялистсткая протестантская организация массонского харрактера) относительно проведения Drumcree parade (Прим.Crow: парад лоялистов, приуроченный к годовщинам битвы при Бойне (30 июня 1690 г.), в которой протестантами под предводительством Вильгельма Оранского была одержана победа над якобитами-католиками).
The 32 County Sovereignty Movement (32csm)(Прим.Crow: считается "политическим крылом" RIRA ) накануне обнародовала заявление в котором сообщила, что судя по всему , впервые за последние 11 лет парад всё-таки состоится и призвала Республиканское сообщество "противостоять попыткам продавливания проведения этого сектантского мероприятия".


Собственная информация:

Память Paul "Bonanza" McCann, офицера INLA, в возрасте 20 лет убитого при странных обстоятельствах во время полицейского рейда в Западном Белфасте, Северная Ирландия в этот день в 1984 году. Во время вышеуказанного рейда один констебль был убит, двое других получили ранения. Полицейские заявили, что McCann первым открыл по ним огонь,а они открыли ответный, но затем внезапно изменили показания,заявив, что с их стороны огонь вообще не открывался. Похороны Paul "Bonanza" McCann посетили представители многих организаций, в т.ч. лидер Sinn Fein Джери Адамс. Во время похорон имели место столкновения с полицией и Республиканцам пришлось отказаться от отдания воинских почестей погибшему.

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